Sanpetrike · Position 1
San Petrike, it’s a circular dance, all spaced five feet apart, more or less.
Sanpetrike · Position 2
The posture of the arms is similar to that of the fandango or the arin arin for the zortziko, but, in this case I simulate that I have glasses or goggles.
Sanpetrike · Sequence 1
Zortziko steps for the entrance of San Petrike, it is an advance, and some turn arounds.
Sanpetrike · Sequence 2
Once we have done the zortziko, comes the part of the game that we are going to play with our body parts, in relation to the floor.
Sanpetrike · Sequence 3
After the first sequence, the game is cumulative, so I move my foot and then I add the following thing, I open my legs and point my index finger up.
Sanpetrike · Sequence 4
We continue to accumulate games in this sequence, after the feet, and the finger, comes the turn of the knee.
Sanpetrike · Sequence 5
We continue accumulating steps. Here it gets a little bit complicated.
Sanpetrike · Sequence 6
We continue, and the key moment of the dance arrives.
Sanpetrike · Sequence 7
Well, and we came to the climax of the dance, which are going to see now.
Sanpetrike · Mounting
We start our San Petrike, the left shoulder points to the center of the round, and we start doing the zortziko.
Sanpetrike · Closing
We leave you one last video complete with music for you to enjoy.