Arin Arin


Arin Arin · Position 1

Length: 0 minutes

This dance, we are going to dance it either in pairs or in quartets, also in round, as we want, in many ways.

Arin Arin · Postion 2

Length: 0 minutes

Do you remember the Mahaigaineko dance when we did the arin arin toe tapping?

Arin Arin · Sequence 1

Length: 1 minutesComplexity: Standard

Do you remember the Mahaigaineko dance when we did the arin arin toe tapping?

Arin Arin · Sequence 3

Length: 0 minutes

I finish a few steps of the arin arin and how do we start with the next one? with a twist. As simple as this.

Arin Arin · Mounting

Length: 0 minutes

As you have seen, there are only two steps in the arin arin dance. Believe me, it is the easiest dance you can dance.
