Eskudantza · Position 1
To dance the Esku Dantza, is a dance that we dance as a couple face to face.
Eskudantza · Position 2
To dance the Esku Dantza we have to place our hands in a certain starting position.
Eskudantza · Sequence 1
The Esku Dantza begins with four movements, very simple.
Eskudantza · Sequence 2
Well, after the first sequence, clearly comes the second one.
Eskudantza · Sequence 3
Last part of the Esku Dantza. Three movements. Clap behind my back, bending my elbows a little as I have them.
Eskudantza · Mounting
The Esku Dantza. Before doing the entire sequence in slow practice, we are going to explain a little rhythmic thing.
Eskudantza · Closing
We leave you one last video complete with music for you to enjoy.
Eskudantza · Sequence 4
The Esku Dantza has two sequences, two melodies, the first is done twice, the second too, and in the second.